Welcome to the Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers (AALPD) website. AALPD connects individuals across the country who provide professional development or training to practitioners who work in adult education and family literacy programs. We offer opportunities for networking and sharing to fulfill our mission of advancing professional learning in the field. Please review our latest opportunities below and explore our website. If you're not yet a member, be sure to sign up on our Membership page.
AALPD News and Updates
Have you ever wondered how different states offer PD to adult education programs?
Join three AALPD members from across the country as they share details about their states' professional development systems. Hear from Jody Angelone, Ohio; Marie Cora, Rhode Island; and Bev Wilson, Arizona, as they describe their systems and services. They will share resources and advice, strengths and innovations, and we'll save time to answer your questions.